[世界啊 ! AN ASPIRATION FOR THE WORLD ] 是十七世大寳法王在2005年12月28日於印度瓦拉那西創古智慧金剛大學以中文寫成的一首對世界祈願與祝福的詩歌, 及後相繼有弟子翻譯成英文再編成中英歌曲, 使令更多人能唱頌, 以便流通. 今天是911, 讓我將這首詩來洗滌一下這個日子紀號留下來的戾氣與痛傷, 並對一切唱頌這首詩歌的功德, 回向及祝福全世界, 讓這個世界盡快化成人間浄土.
[噶瑪巴千諾] !!!
世界啊 !
您是我們的家 , 從古至今. 我們永遠珍惜您.
願您, 化為那夢中的淨土,
一切平等無私的國度, 與慈愛溫柔的天女;
擁抱著您的冀盼 , 堅定不移.
您是最親的滋養; 切莫任意展露您黑暗的一面.
我們要讓您的一方一土, 成為和平良田.
千萬幸福的果實 , 自由芬芳,
※作詞:第十七世 大寶法王 噶瑪巴 鄔金欽列多傑‧編曲:黃康淇 唱頌:黃杏怡※
An Aspiration for the World
World, we live and die on your lap.
On you we experience all our woes and joys.
You are our ancestral home of old.
Forever we cherish and adore you.
We wish to transform you into the pure realm of our dreams.
We wish to transform you into a land for all creatures,
Equal for all and free of prejudice.
We wish to transform you into a loving, warm, and gentle goddess.
Our hope in you is so ever resolute.
So please be the ground on which we all may live So all these wishes may come true,
So all these wishes may come true.
Do not show us the dark side of your character,
Where nature's calamities reign.
In every section of our world's land May there thrive a fertile field of peace and joy,
Rich with the leaves and fruits of happiness,
Filled with the many sweet scents of freedom.
May we fulfill our countless and boundless wishes.
Composed by His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje ©2005 by His Holiness Ogyen Trinley Dorje, the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa. Translated under the guidance of The Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche by Tyler Dewar. Musical arrangement by Christopher Stagg and Tyler Dewar.